Whatever Happened To Monica Lewenski? - whatever happened to monica roccaforte
Do you think that Hillary was right to have the whole thing to go with him?
Whatever Happened To Monica Lewenski? - whatever happened to monica roccaforte
Do you think that Hillary was right to have the whole thing to go with him?
Monica began a series of pockets, a kind of Kate Spade. I have not seen any of them lately. It was probably dark blue cloth.
She designs handbags now.yeah if he thought Hillary was bad, but if the bill is to become rich powerful connection to the White House, I bet you say in mind "so that Lewinski!" During his opening speech speech.the best revenge well.monica lives fell into oblivion, and Hillary may be the most powerful woman in the country, perhaps the whole world! obliged to do !!!!!!! Monica a little jealous
Not sure. I think he tries to keep a low profile. Can not say that I blame. I'm not sure what would have either Hillary can do to make in addition to "the whole issue with his departure. What about Osama Bin Laden?" That's what I want to know. Do you think that Bush is right, Let It All Go ?
I hope that the idea on the ticket, that Vice President Obama. An experienced woman in the Oval Office are really a terrible combination.
She hides in a bunker with Dick Cheney in the hope that Hillary is not elected, because he wants to go to Antarctica.
Last I heard, was living in New York. I think Hillary is thinking, a man a man. So yes, it was right to let go. could not really compete with a much younger .. trallop lol
Who cares. I do not know that Hillary let go. But Bill was wise to pass up.
The last thing I heard he made designer handbags.
Who cares?
At last report he went to school in the United Kingdom.
who cares u really want your phone number?
She's Gettin A Crush on Obama lol
I bet you hope to return to the White House to move? lmao.
It has a good life and his career is over
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